Paintings of An American, Primitive

photo of Coral at the easel

The Light’s Truer in the Mornings

“I like thick paint. I stopped using oil paints years ago because I don’t want to fuss with turpentine and linseed oil. I want something that dries fast so I use the water soluble stuff, acrylic. When I used to paint with oil, I’d dip my hands and wash them off with paint thinner.”

“My studio is cluttered with reference materials, magazines, a picture morgue. I have a big drawing table and an easel next to a sliding glass door that opens onto the garden. I prefer to paint in the mornings, the light’s truer and you can really see the colors you’re working with.”

Visions and Attachments

“A lot of effort goes into these pieces, a lot of standing. I’m not all that prolific but it’s a very deep endeavor for me, and I respect the fact that for some reason, I’m able to do this, to reproduce visions in my head, visions of nature. It’s an ability I shouldn’t disrespect, and should perform.”

“I have attachments to my paintings and don’t actively promote my art to sell. But if someone loves a particular piece, it’s possible I’d relinquish it.”